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Visiting Mom ProjectPast Projects

Visiting Mom Project

In response to overcrowding and the need for programming tailored to the special needs of women offenders, ICIW opened a new visiting area in October 2013.

Thousands of visits take place each year at ICIW. Furnishings and books for the new visiting space are minimal.

During a recent visit to the new site, the idea to provide support for offenders and visitors by providing quality books, equipment and furnishings came about. This idea is now known as the Visiting Mom Project. The Visiting Mom Project would save ICIW funds for other programming and foster healthy relationships for offenders and their families.

The Iowa Organization of Women Attorneys (I.O.W.A.), Polk County Women Attorneys (PCWA), and the Ashcraft Library Project are taking the lead in the fundraising efforts. The original goal stemmed from a 100-100 idea; 100 attorneys donating $100. Donations in any amount are welcome.

Brochure with donation form (PDF, 305KB)



    Past Community Projects

    • partnering organization in 50-50 in 2020, a bi-partisan, issue-neutral organization that was formed for the purpose of electing women to 50% of the seats in the Iowa Legislature and half of Iowa's Congressional delegation and a woman to the office of Governor by the year 2020, the 100th anniversary of woman suffrage in the U.S. 

    • public education campaign on "shaken baby syndrome"
    • 202 in 2002 Project, started by I.O.W.A. past-president Gail Sheridan-Lucht in 1999, with the goal of having counties install diaper-changing stations in the men's and women's restrooms in each of the 101 courthouses in Iowa by the year 2002. Over 50 Iowa counties had installed the stations at last count. Our philosophy continues to be that the availability of a diaper changing station is not a luxury but a necessity.
    • mentorship program with the Iowa Juvenile Home & Training Center (IJH) in Tama-Toledo Iowa. The IJH is "home" to dozens of young teenage Iowans, almost half of whom are children in need of assistance or otherwise in need of a stable home.  I.O.W.A. helped improve the IJH library and art studio, important resources for these young people to gain knowledge, self-confidence and independence. 

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